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Winter Reflection & Finding Your “Why?”

Winter is a time of stillness.

And we don’t do stillness well in this modern, bustling world.

We are taught to push, to grind, to hustle.

We are taught that the more effort we put in, the more results we get out…

But that isn’t always the case, especially if we are trying to do something sustainably.

“More” isn’t always better, anyway.

Yes, we need to do our best to complete what we say we will do – keeping your word is important, and your clients rely on you for that – but if we don’t rest, we get LESS accomplished over time.

We are human beings, not robots…

And that means we cannot work incessantly!

Increasing Efficiency Through Rest

Humans are not made to function like machines in a textile factory or on a vehicle manufacturing line.

To increase efficiency in our work as the biological creatures we are, we need to rest efficiently.

To be effective in our work, we need time to play…

Time to think creatively…

And time to be bored.

Yes, we need boredom!

Because when we give ourselves space to let our minds wander, we can solve nearly any problem!

With “boredom” comes ingenuity.

Hard as it is to believe, we can’t problem-solve well if we’re constantly distracted or overworked.

Sure, some stress is positive – and in measured doses, it can help us grow – but without adequate sleep, stillness, and repair time between the countless stresses of life, we risk losing our health.

We know it’s annoying…

But slow and steady really does win the race.

How do we learn the slow and steady approach in this age of instant gratification?

At Freedom Foam, we look to Nature and its often stark reminder to slow down: the Winter season.

Learning from Winter – Nature’s Season of Rest & Reflection

All of Nature rests and resets during the winter season…

But that reset looks different for each species.

Bears enter their dens to sleep the cold weather away…

Deciduous trees drop their leaves and enter dormancy…

Migratory birds seek warmer climates to pass the season…

And evergreens rely on their adaptations – like creating their own antifreeze and coating their needles with wax – to weather the winter.

Regardless of their survival mechanism, however, every species on Earth pays attention to the winter season.

Each plant and animal uses the winter to complete annual cycles and prepare for the future…

And we can harness this time, too.

Being “productive” in a season of rest often looks different than in a period of rapid growth, but that doesn’t mean it is less valuable!

We need all seasons – literal and metaphorical – to thrive in life.

Winter is perfect for recognizing your achievements, planning for the future, and reconnecting with – or discovering – that big “Why?” behind the work you do.

Finding Your “Why?” as a Spray Foam Contractor

Regardless of your career path, your “Why?” is vital to keeping you motivated in your work…

But when you’re a spray foam contractor, connecting with or finding your “Why?” is essential to keeping your whole business on track, especially if you’re just getting started.

After all, when you own a business, that business often runs primarily on your motivation as the business owner.

Many spray foam contractors are one-man shows. 

If that’s the case for your business, and you don’t show up to work, your whole business shuts down for the day.

As a spray foam contractor, therefore, it is essential to understand what motivates you to keep going in your business, even when times are tough.

Pause to Discover Your “Why?” 

Your “Why?” is that “Big Reason” behind why you do what you do.

In our world of hustle and bustle, many of us have either lost touch with what our “Why?” is, or we never knew it in the first place.

 Knowing what motivates you, however, is vital to keeping your head in the game when the going gets tough…

Because the journey will get tough, regardless of your chosen career path!

There are bad days in every profession…

But bad days aren’t every day!

And the clearer you are on your “Why?”, the easier it will be to navigate any work day – good or bad.

So, why do you do what you do?

You may be tempted to say, “Money…” 

But we’re willing to bet your “Why?” isn’t money in and of itself.

Your motivation may not be financial at all, when it comes down to it!

Is Money Your “Why?”

Money is necessary to live in our world – but most money these days is just numbers on a screen. There’s no inherent value there.

It’s how we use money that gives it its value. 

We use money to purchase goods, services, and experiences that sustain us and make life interesting!

In our current economy, most material things cost money – be it food, a couch, a PS5, or a roof over your head…

But those things are not money.

So, if you believe you’re motivated by money, you might be…

(Piles of cash do have a certain appeal…)

But it might be that you’re actually motivated by the things or experiences you can purchase with money.

So, if you believe money is your “Why?”, start asking “Why?”!

What motivates you about money? What do you want to use it for?

To buy clothes and gadgets that help you express yourself?

To rent a boat so you can go into the wilderness?

Whatever you think your “Why?” might be, keep asking “Why?”, and you’ll eventually get to the bottom of what makes you feel motivated.

True Motivation Lights You Up

Maybe what you do isn’t even about the money for you. (Even if you make money doing it!)

Maybe you work in a field you love because you’ve always found the ideas that field provokes to be fascinating…

Or your job takes you outdoors – the place you love most – and that’s what you show up for…

Or maybe you work that early-shift job so you can pick up your kids or grandkids from school, which wouldn’t be possible if you had a job that started later.

Your “Why?” could be anything…

But whatever it is, it should make you feel excited to get out of bed every day!

When you think of your “Why?”, the very idea should make a smile come to your face or a joyful glow arise in your chest. 

That’s why you do what you do!

And it can keep you going, even when times are tough. 


At Freedom Foam, we believe in the value of hard work…

But we also recognize that work without purpose is worthless.

You’re working for a reason

And that reason is centered in your “Why?”.

Winter is a fantastic time to reconnect with your “Why?” – that motivating factor behind what you do – and to create more sustainable habits in your work…

Because “slow and steady” truly is the path to success.

Are you struggling to connect with your “Why?” or feeling lost in your spray foam business?  

Free yourself!

Call Freedom Foam today to discover how we can help you act on your “Why?”. 

We look forward to talking with you!

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