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Getting Started with your Spray Foam Contracting Business

A lot of (potentially overwhelming) work goes into forming and operating a business.

ANY business.

But especially a spray foam contracting business.

First things first, though.

Before you start a spray foam contracting business, ya gotta get real with yourself.

Ask yourself all those tough questions – like “Do I actually want to spray foam for a living?” and “Why the heck am I even doing this?”

Because if you’re not sure about your motivations or your desire to spray foam for a living, maybe spray foam contracting isn’t for you.

Let us take a moment to be honest with you: spray foam contracting is hard, man.

It is not a Get Rich Quick scheme. This work is labor-intensive.

If you’re used to having a boss, learning to set and keep your own schedule is DIFFICULT.

Self-discipline is essential to success in this field.

Getting your business off the ground will be some of the most grueling and work-intensive days of your life.

It will. Don’t sugar-coat this detail.


You won’t have a boss. (That’s you now!)

You’ll make your own rules and forge your own path, baby!

So, just so we are clear – spraying foam insulation is no picnic.

There are absolutely no butterflies and daisies involved.

But it’s good, honest work.

And you CAN do it!!

You can make it as a spray foam contractor, man!

There is absolutely a demand for spray foam in this world. 

And if your head is in the game – really IN it – you’ve got all you need!

Hardest part, DONE.

Everything else will follow. 

Things like figuring out your business plan, getting that business formed and operating, and learning to manage your time – those things will all come.  

And Freedom Foam & Equipment is here to help with all of that!

For now, though, let’s sketch out what you want your spray foam contracting business to look like – a skeleton that you can flesh out as you bring your dream into reality.

The Power Is In The Details

Yes. We know the saying is “The Devil is in the Details.”


You are not going to walk into building a spray foam contracting business without any knowledge of the problems that might arise in that business, now, are you?

Nope! You’re not.

You’re educating yourself, so you are as prepared as possible for your new venture.

And Freedom Foam & Equipment is here to help you with that process!


What details do you need to know about?

Therein lies the question, eh?

It’s time to figure out which questions you need to ask – so you can find the answers!

There’s a lot to think through – so we are jumping into the deep end.

Let’s start by finding your niche.

Ready? JUMP! 

Find Your Niche

You can’t do everything in your business all at once.

Being realistic about what you can do – and what you’re qualified to do – is the first step toward success in a spray foam contracting business.

Have you sprayed foam before? (We recommend training in this area before you strike out on your own.)

What type of jobs have you sprayed?

Did you spray foam in the walls of a house or a chicken barn, for instance?

What type of spray foam insulation jobs will be the focus of your business?

Focusing on selling foam to a specific niche market can help you find the customers looking for the type of services you provide.

Examine the spray foam market in your area. What qualities will make your business unique?

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box here!

Do you live near a marina or port? Then, maybe you could focus on insulating – and providing extra buoyancy – to boat hulls.

Are you surrounded by ranches and chicken farms? Maybe your niche can be insulating livestock barns and buildings.

Is the housing market booming in your area? Maybe your focus should be insulating new homes – or upgrading insulation in your city’s historical buildings.

The possibilities are endless.

What type of spray foam work are you looking for?

Be specific!

Even if you do various jobs at first – or forever – knowing your business goals is essential to success.

And those goals can – and will! – change over time.  

So don’t worry about what your niche might be ten years from now – focus on what you’re prepared to do NOW.

Remember how we said this isn’t a “Get Rich Quick” scheme?

This job takes real training and requires specific skills to accomplish – all of which you can learn, but which also take time and attention to detail.

Find your niche, and focus on perfecting those required skills.  You can expand your skillset as your business grows!

Understand Your Business Costs

Once you’ve chosen a niche for your business, you can start thinking about how to bring your business ideas into reality.

You will likely need to invest in the startup costs a spray foam contracting business requires…unless you have all the equipment you will need to spray foam lying around your house.

If you have the needed equipment (or ample cash) lying about, wonderful! You can put it to good use.

But if you’re like most business owners, you may need to get a business loan to start your spray foam contracting business. 

Now, don’t panic.

We know that loans can be scary, but it’s all part of the business-building process.

Need to figure out how to get a business loan? A great place to start is making an appointment with your bank or local small business administration.

Before you do that, though, you might want to figure out how much money you need upfront to get your business going…starting with spray foam. 

Choose Your Foam Suppliers

It might be confusing that we suggest finding a source for spray foam insulation before you even have a spray foam machine – but if you can’t find foam, you can’t spray it.

These days, it can be challenging to find foam.

World events have wreaked havoc on supply chains and chemical availability – and new EPA guidelines regarding blowing agent composition have changed the building codes in some states.

If you’re thinking about entering the spray foam business, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the building code in your area.  

Once you know the material requirements for spraying foam in your area, we recommend locating a supplier where you can purchase the foam products you intend to spray.  

Yes. BEFORE you purchase a spray foam machine…or anything else!

Need help with that? Well! It just so happens we know a guy!

…Okay, it’s us. We’re “the guy.” Surprise!

Freedom Foam & Equipment, LLC sells foam materials at unbeatable prices – and we happen to be friendly people, too!

If you’re in search of foam, call us!

Okay, enough about that.

Time to find reliable spray foam equipment!

Decide on Spray Foam Equipment

Spray foam equipment needs vary from place to place and business to business.

If you only intend on spraying foam, for instance – no polyurea bed liners or roofing material – you might not need a machine that can spray polyurea.

No polyurea might mean lower pressure requirements for your machine – and, therefore, a lower price.

Everything depends on your business needs.

Initial things to think about:

  • How many people will be spraying foam in your business (and how many foam machines might your business require)?
  • What is the climate where you will be spraying?
  • What type of material will you spray?
  • How do you intend to transport your materials & equipment from job to job?
  • Where will you store foam material between jobs?

Do you have an enclosed trailer to house your machine, or will that be part of your business startup costs?  

Do you have access to a climate-controlled environment for storing your spray foam material between jobs, or do you need to look into renting a space?

Oh dear – your eyes have glazed over.

We know this can be a lot, but you’ve got this! 

Bottom line: know your products, the equipment requirements for those products, and how you will transport and store your products and equipment.

See? You’re beginning to form a list of questions to answer before starting your business.

That’s great!  

Knowledge is power!

Remember – you don’t need to do this alone. If you need help understanding the ins and outs of starting a spray foam business, give us a call.  

We will be glad to help you break into the spray foam contracting business and can help you understand what equipment you might need to get started.

Freedom Foam & Equipment has your back.

There ya go – your eyes are looking clearer already!


Great news – you’re on your way, my friend!

On your way to starting a successful spray foam contracting business!

We believe in you. Truly.

Do YOU believe in you?? (Because you really should!)

With a little thought – okay, maybe a lot – you can find power in the business-building details, and the “devil in those details” will be out of a job.

Just like *that!*

Next time, we will focus on the business side – rather than the spray foam side – of being a spray foam contractor.

Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have about which spray foam material or equipment might be best for your business.

We can’t wait to work with you!

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