
TAKE ACTION! Battling Overwhelm and a Lack of Motivation as a Spray Foam Contractor

Spraying foam is hard.

Life is difficult, regardless of what you do for a living, but spraying foam is particularly challenging.

Nearly endless problems come with owning and running your own spray foam business.

You have customers to find, jobs to bid, and homes and barns to spray, regardless of the weather.

And then there’s your equipment.

Clogs to unclog, machines to tinker on, hose heat to keep heating, spray guns to clean

The list goes on and on.

It’s understandable that you don’t always feel motivated to get out there and take the bull by the horns!

Spraying foam can be overwhelming, man.

But foaming isn’t only problems! This life is also rewarding. 

There are things you learn about yourself in this business that are invaluable…

Skills that you would never have learned if you hadn’t plunged head-first into this life.

You are a spray foam contractor…

And that’s awesome!

You are forging your own path through life. What a commendable feat! Way to go, man!

Sure, there will be days that you don’t feel like doing your job.

But knowing how to deal with that lack of motivation – often caused by overwhelm, NOT laziness – will help you get out of bed on the days that feel like it.

Let’s examine how to crush your fears and get back to doing what you do best – living your life to the fullest!

Remember Your “Why?”

You started this journey for a reason – and we’re willing to bet it was a darn good one.

Whatever it was, it was motivating enough to take you out of your day job and into the foaming life.

So, what was your reason? 

What is your “Why?”

Your answer is powerful!

You can wield your “Why?” like a weapon against overwhelm and the lack of motivation!

There are a lot of new things to learn when you have your own business. There will always be something else to learn.

But, really, that is a good thing! Learning is part of what makes life worth living…even if the lessons are difficult at times.

That’s where your “Why?” comes in!

When you are feeling down or unmotivated, remember what brought you into this business…

Hold onto why you are doing this…

And try to return to that state of mind.

Your “Why?” can keep you going when nothing else will.

But it isn’t always enough.

Is today a day that your “Why?” just isn’t cutting it?  

Welp, maybe it’s just time to DO SOMETHING!

Don’t Wait For Motivation – TAKE ACTION

Battling a Lack of Motivation

Motivation is a fickle thing, isn’t it?

It’s a lot like a cool summer breeze – nice when it’s there, but not something to pin your whole day upon.

Think about it – if you waited for a summer breeze to waft by you every time you needed to, say, eat your dinner, you’d waste away – never to spray foam again!

Summer is only a quarter of the year, man. You’d be dead before autumn!  

That would ruin your day!

Seriously, though, you can’t wait for motivation to fuel all of your actions, or you’d never reach your goals.

Instead, when you’re feeling unmotivated, it’s best to simply start doing what you need to do.

Just take action – any action! – to get the ball rolling.  

We all battle mood changes and uncertainty in our work, no matter what our job is.

But as a spray foam contractor, you only get paid if you’re spraying foam….so it’s more important than ever not to rely on those summer breezes of motivation to put food on your table.

Now, sometimes, it’s not lack of motivation that is keeping you stuck…it’s overwhelm.

Dealing with Overwhelm

Feeling overwhelmed is a whole different ball game than a lack of motivation…but the two feelings often go hand-in-hand.

Your lack of motivation may stem from feeling overwhelmed, and your lack of motivation can make you feel even more overwhelmed…

What a horrible cycle.

But there’s nothing else for it…

Paradoxically, the only way to make yourself feel better about that thing you feel stressed about sometimes is DOING SOMETHING to address it.

So what, exactly, are you feeling overwhelmed by?

Are you unsure how to gain more customers in your business?

Or how to create a business website that will get you noticed?

Or how to maintain your spray foam equipment properly? 

Or how to bid a job like a pro?

Here’s some good news: you’re not the only one to feel overwhelmed by those things. 

A lot of things can be overwhelming in the spray foaming business. We get it!

The fact that you’re overwhelmed by difficult things sometimes means that you’re human.  Congrats!

Here’s some even better news: You can learn how to do things you don’t know how to do!  

And Freedom Foam is here to help you.

Start with something simple to help you learn what you need to know – like reading our blog posts or searching for helpful videos on YouTube. Then, take one step at a time.

Anything you do – however small – moves you forward.

Remember: you can’t know everything, or do everything, or understand everything all at once! No one can.  

Growth takes time. And that’s okay!

So, instead of waiting for a radioactive spider bite or a lightning strike to give you superpowers so you can get rid of your elephant-sized problem…

(umm…those are improbable solutions, at best…)

Do what you can today to chip away at your goal so you can build on that tomorrow, the next day, and the next day…

And before you know it, you’ll have eaten the whole freakin’ (spray-foam-shaped) elephant…one bite at a time.

Take that, overwhelm!

And ya know what?

You may actually know everything there is to know about this business when all is said and done…

…and be able to help others walk this path with more confidence and hope than you may feel right now.

How’s that for a superpower?


Being a spray foam contractor is not easy.

But it can be a great life!

You can blaze your own trail with your foam machine and create a better world to live in – what’s more rewarding than that!?

Nothing can stop you if you know how to beat overwhelm and lack of motivation!

And if you need help along the way, Freedom Foam has your back.

Give us a call if you’re feeling stuck with your spray foam issues – we are here to help.

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