
Find Freedom with Prioritization and Intentional Action

98% of running a successful business is mindset.


Your thoughts create your reality.

Your actions – anything you do in life – starts as an idea.

And when you own a business, it becomes part of you.

So, when your mind isn’t thriving, growing, or enjoying your journey, your business success will (almost always) suffer.

If you aren’t intentional about how you spend your time and energy, the influence of your business can become all-consuming.

This is true regardless of the type of business you run…but spray foam insulation is particularly good at seeping into the cracks and crevices of our minds AND our customers’ houses.

Our time and energy are our most valuable commodities.  

If we – as spray foam professionals – aren’t intentional about how we spend our time or where we focus our efforts, our businesses can take over all areas of our lives…at the expense of everything else we care about.

And while you care deeply – as you should! – about your business success, your spray foam business isn’t ALL you care about…right?

So what about everything else? 

Are you making time for the things that feed your soul and help you grow…even when they don’t feel quite as pressing as running your business?

What about spending quality time with your family and friends?

Or going to see that movie you wanted to see?

Or writing that poem or song that is in your heart? (You don’t have to show anyone else! Do it for you!)

What about the things that aren’t your business that really matter to you?

It’s often easier to put the things that are most important to us, the things that bring us joy (but maybe don’t make any money) on the back burner…

…because they can wait…right?

They can wait until we have “enough” money…

…or until we feel like it (maybe tomorrow)…

…or until we have a big enough house…or a small enough/strong enough body.

We’ll do all those things we dream about later…

When all the other things we don’t want to do are finished…

…which will be someday….maybe…hopefully.

But what if someday never comes? Will you regret not spending your time in a way that brought you more joy?

Spend Your Time Wisely!

Time is a fickle thing.

It’s there one second and gone the next.

When we aren’t intentional about our time, it slips through our fingers like *that.*

We tackle our business responsibilities without hesitation, but when it comes to caring for ourselves? 

Or doing what would be fun for us? 

Or calling our friends or parents or kids just to catch up?

To those things, our brains – so bogged down in business – say, “Well…my motivation for those things is sure to be much higher tomorrow than it is today, right? I’ve had such a long day at work…Nah, I’ll do it tomorrow…”

…And, just like *that,* the time we had today disappears into a barrel of foam.

In the name of business, we spray foamers swiftly sweep what we need to be in a healthy headspace under the rug rather than prioritize the things that bring us joy.

Even if it is just for 5 minutes.

Our responsibilities are vital to our lifestyle. We aren’t saying you should abandon your business, man. That would be sabotage!

All we are saying is that work isn’t everything.

If you spend your time – your life! – in a way that is unfulfilling to you, or contrary to your beliefs, or taking those you love for granted, you’re operating at an unimaginable loss.

And that’s not good for business!!

Prioritize What Really Matters to You!

There are a LOT of factors in life outside of our control.

The amount of time we have to spend in our life is one of them.

We have control over what we do with our time right now, though.

This moment is all we have.  

Sometimes, we need to use this moment to prepare for what is coming tomorrow, or next week, or next year.

But if we are ALWAYS preparing, we never take the time to live.

If we always put our present moment into the future, we miss our whole lives.

Because tomorrow never actually comes…it’s always today!

Sure, yesterday came and went, but tomorrow? It’s always in the future.

Tomorrow is good to keep in our mind’s eye…and it’s good to learn from our past…but today is always what we have to work with.

What are you doing today that actually matters to you?

Are you taking any time to recharge your batteries so you can live a more fulfilling and peaceful life?

Are you spending any quality time with your significant other or your kids or your pet?

When we spend our time on something, that means we cannot spend that time on anything else.

So is that thing you’re working on worth spending your “life-time” on?

Or could you spend that time in a “better” way?

How do you want to spend your life today, if you could? Make some time for that today.

Find the time to spend on the things that truly matter to you.

When you stop wasting time putting things off, you’ll find you have more time than you thought to spend on things that make a difference in your life.

And the best part? Your business success will increase – because you’re operating from a place of joy and hope and fulfillment rather than a grasping, scraping mindset of lack.  

You’ve got this! Now, go have some fun!

Your business will still be here when you get back.


Maybe it’s time to let go of the things that take up your time but don’t serve a direct purpose in your life.

Maybe it’s time to “follow your heart” – or allow your true desires and strengths and creativity to pull you forward.

And maybe it’s time to let your life unfold…instead of forcing yourself into a box you’ve outgrown.

You are worth more than your business.

Without you, your business is nothing!

If you take care of yourself, anything is possible.

And if you need someone to help you reach your goals, Freedom Foam is here to help!

Give us a call – we’d love to talk to you.

You’re awesome!

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