
Taking Your Time, Navigating Changes, and Allowing Space for Expansion and Opportunity in your Spray Foam Contracting Business

We want to take a moment to congratulate you.

You did it! 

You took the leap and created something that didn’t exist before. You started your spray foam contracting business!

Can you believe it?? We can!

You’ve really got what it takes, man.

And now, it’s time to get out there and take care of “bidness!

(If you haven’t yet read our Getting Started with Your Spray Foam Contracting Business blog post, check it out here!)

Before you hit the ground running, though, join us for a cup of coffee and a heart-to-heart!

We want to discuss a few ideas we wish we had grappled with before jumping into our spray foam contracting business.

They are as follows:

– Giving things the time they need to unfold

– Sticking to your boundaries

– Allowing space for opportunity and growth

Got that cup of coffee?

Great. Let’s talk! 

Give Things Time

We know it is tempting to want everything all at once as a new spray foam contractor. 

And there is something to be said about setting yourself up for success. (If you followed our business-building blog posts, you’ve gotten yourself started off well!)

You can prepare for a lot, but there will still be obstacles that arise sometimes.

Not everything will go as planned, and you’ll have to navigate unknown waters.

But that’s okay!  That’s just part of the spray foam contracting “deal.”

Now that you’ve laid a solid foundation, the spray foam contracting begins. 

It’s time to find customers, build a name for yourself, and earn money from your customers.

And all of those things take time!

Rome wasn’t built in day…and neither is a successful business.

Building a successful spray foam contracting business takes dedication, hope, perseverance, and patience.

And that’s all right.  That’s good!

You can’t do everything all at once.

So take a breath, do your best with each thing, and set attainable goals for yourself!

Feeling overwhelmed by that idea?  We get it.

Part of being an entrepreneur is finding what motivates you and focusing on that to help get you through rough patches.

Knowing what motivates you (not your spouse, not your kid – YOU) to get up and get out there on the days you feel exhausted or like you’re never going to make it…

Y’know those days?

Those days are the ones you need to know yourself the most, stand up for why you’re doing this, and push through!

There will be difficult and frustrating days.

There will be times when you don’t want to continue and times you feel like you don’t know how to handle things.

But you’re capable of great things!

You have a desperately sought-after set of skills that you’re employing to forge a bright future for yourself and your family.

You CAN do this.

You really, truly can.

Don’t let the dark days keep you down. 

Instead, get back on that horse and ride into the sunset!!

You’re not alone, you know.

Even the most “qualified” and “accomplished” of humans get nervous about important things.

Nerves just mean you’re taking your business seriously.

Congratulations – you care!

That’s already 3000x better than so many people out there, dude.

Let your cares lead you forward!  Hold onto your motivations…and then?

Do the very best work you can do.




And know that you’ll grow and learn with every spray foam job you complete.

Your best will get better.

And any setbacks can be viewed as teachers that lead you forward – through the difficulties – to a more stable place on the other side.

But you know what all this growth and change takes?


You can’t rush success.

You can hustle and work hard, of course.  We strongly recommend that!

But you can’t force growth.


Your spray foam contracting business is part of your life, now, and you don’t want to rush your life!

You only get one!

You’ve put in the work on the back end, building your business from the ground up.

Now, it’s time to put in the work on the front end!

Just don’t forget you’re a human being.

Work hard, sure!  But also remember that you need rest and fun and healthy relationships in this life, too.

Stick to Your Boundaries

We set boundaries to protect ourselves.

Being intentional about how you spend your time is ESSENTIAL to the success of your business.

Absolutely essential.

Because you’re a human being – and money isn’t everything.

Prioritizing things like spending time with family and friends and getting enough sleep will ensure you are healthy and happy enough to run your business efficiently!

Some spray foam jobs just take longer than expected, but striving for a work-life balance is important for your health.

You can’t help anyone if you run yourself into the ground.

You may not know exactly how much time a job will take you, but as you grow into your contracting business, you will learn how to schedule enough time for setbacks that may occur, and even how to prevent them!

People will try to work around your business policies – like operating hours and upfront payment – and if you let them, they will succeed!

So make sure you have business policies in place and you stick to your guns.  Other people will respect your boundaries if YOU respect them.

When you first start a spray foam contracting business, it is tempting to say yes to everything, and to try to do everything and be everything to all your customers.

That’s an impossibly high standard and should be avoided at all costs.

Don’t be afraid to say “No!”  

Trust your gut when it says, “Don’t accept that job, man. It’s a trap!”

…Because if that’s what your gut says, it’s probably right.

We don’t know the future, but if we trust ourselves and don’t accept those jobs we know we shouldn’t, we will save ourselves LOADS of headaches – and, counterintuitively, leave space for business growth!

Allow Space for Opportunity and Growth

Part of owning a business is recognizing the opportunities you should take when they come knocking and rising to meet them!

Part of being a business owner is allowing space for the growth that will happen – in yourself AND your business.

As long as they serve you, work within your boundaries.

But if you find you’ve outgrown them, it’s alright to adjust those boundaries!  

Your expertise will grow with every job you spray, and you will learn more about yourself through this process than you could imagine!

You will also learn more about others than you may care to know.

The point, though? You’ll never stop learning!

That’s what life is about, right?

Change is inevitable.

Say “no” when you need to – but also strive to recognize when to say “yes!”

Allow yourself to adapt, to explore the niche you carve out for yourself.

It’s all right to pivot your business focus if and when you need – or want – to.

Keep asking yourself the hard questions – and answering them honestly.

Hold onto your motivations, and add to or subtract from the list as needed.

Because your business has a life of its own now!  It will change in ways you can’t predict – and that’s great!

That’s where the real “magic” of entrepreneurship happens.

Going with the flow and adapting to the changes that come is a superpower that can lead to amazing things if you let it.

One last thought:

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it!

We are all walking this life together, and sometimes we need a few extra hands to keep the ball rolling.

There’s no shame in that!

If you need spray foam insulation, or need help in other areas of your contracting business, give us a call

Freedom Foam & Equipment is here for you – and we care about your success!  


Well, our cup of coffee is empty, how about yours?

This has been a good chat.

If you need help with anything related to spray foam insulation, don’t hesitate to call us!

Chances are we can help – or put you into contact with someone who can.

Freedom Foam & Equipment cares about your business success – and we are here to help you find spray foam so you can keep that business up and running in these difficult times!

Go ahead and find yourself some stellar clients and start getting your name out there!

You’ve really got what it takes, grasshopper.

We’re proud of you – and we support you, 100%!

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