What Freedom Means to Freedom Foam & Equipment, LLC

We can search our whole lives for the freedom to live

The freedom to be ourselves.

Many have travelled far and wide in search of the freedom they seek.

“Freedom” looks a little bit (or a lot!) different to everyone.

What are you searching for?

What sort of freedom do you seek?

Do you know what you want from your life?

It’s all about the money, right?

Well…what if it isn’t?

What if life doesn’t actually center around money?

 Yeah. We said it.

So let’s lean into that idea for a moment.

Let’s go there…

At Freedom Foam & Equipment, LLC, we believe that life is much more than money.

In fact, we believe that life is much more than a lot of what we grow up with in western culture.

“Success” is not about making more money than anyone else in your neighborhood.

It isn’t about owning the biggest house and the fastest car.

Success doesn’t need to be about consumption.

You don’t need to define yourself by the number of likes you have on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter…

Or by flaunting the newest fashions or products or designs or upgrades.

When you really think about it, do any of those things bring you fulfillment?

We are willing to bet that they don’t.

Because happiness is not a material object or the approval others give you.

Motivation is Key

There is absolutely nothing inherently wrong with dressing fashionably, owning things you like, or scrolling on social media.

Looking good can raise self-esteem and land you that job you desperately need.

Purchasing the right tools to get your job done efficiently can mean you get to see your kids tonight rather than burning the midnight oil.

And promoting your business on your social platforms can mean you get to eat next week. 

(Mama’s making meatloaf! Yum!)

We aren’t saying any of these things are “evil.”

But everything comes down to motivation.

Why are you reaching for your phone, or a drink, or that new shirt?

Are you trying to distract yourself from your life?


What aren’t you looking at?

Why don’t you want to sit with yourself?

Is it because you don’t want to listen to what your heart is saying?

Are the things that are truly important to you not what the world keeps trying to sell you?

“Time is money,” we have always been taught…

And that’s kinda true…

But your time is also your LIFE.

Does that change how you look at wasting it?

What do you want to spend that time on?

Your LIFEtime.

Is what you do on a daily basis fulfilling?

These questions are vital for understanding your motivations in life. 

Money is necessary to survive in American culture.

But if money is your only motivating factor, it’s time to refocus.

Money doesn’t buy happiness, after all. 

But it can buy a boat…” 

Yes, yes – we know. 

But is that why you work where and how you work?

Yes? Then maybe it’s worth it!

Only you know that.

Are you living intentionally or following the programming you have been subjected to in your life?

Doing things just because “that’s how they’ve always been done” is NOT a good reason to continue what no longer makes sense.

What really motivates you?

Maybe it’s time to break free of your corporate cage and walk your own path instead.

Live in the Present

The past can be a great teacher.  

But so is the present!

Do you need to turn your brain off at work – just get through each day?

If so, that’s a HUGE chunk of our life that you’re throwing away for…what? 

For what?

For green paper?


Alright. Pay attention – this next bit is important:

You don’t have to live like that.

You DON’T have to sell your life to a job – or to any system – that you despise.

This moment – the here and now – is the ONLY time we have.

The past is gone, and the future doesn’t exist yet.

So what are you doing to make this moment count?

Don’t misunderstand us.

We know everyone is unique – and we acknowledge that office jobs (etc.) are essential and quite fulfilling for some people! 

If that’s you, thank you for what you do for this world! The Earth might actually stop turning without you. (For real. Thanks for everything.)

But, honestly. If you’re reading this, we are willing to bet that your office job didn’t cut the mustard for you.

If that’s true, here’s some good news:

You don’t need to hate your life to succeed in this world.

Glory be!

You can free yourself from that cycle of waking up, spending your days at a place you hate, doing things you don’t enjoy, surrounded by people you’d rather not know.

(Sorry, Kevin…no offense, man…)

You don’t need to die inside to make money.

You don’t need to sacrifice yourself to fit in.

If this resonates with you, it may be time to try listing to yourself.

Turn off your TV, your cell phone, your music, and whatever other distractions you’ve immersed yourself in…

And just sit with your thoughts for a while.

Pay attention to what comes up.

And fair warning: it may be an uncomfortable experience at first.

We’ve been there, too.

But discomfort may be a sign that you need to make some life changes.

Deep down – beneath all the self-imposed “protective” barriers – you know at least some of the things that your soul needs.

If you can’t define anything in particular, you probably know what you don’t want your life to be like – right?

If you need some prompts to get your honesty session started, here are a few:

What are you running from?

What are you searching for?

What does freedom mean to you?

How do you get there?

Give yourself the chance to be honest with YOU.

No one else is living your life.

No one else is you.

So honor who you are, and let yourself BE you!

Success is a Tricky Thing

Whether you’re considering starting a spray foam contracting business or you’ve been at it for a while, the first step to a successful business is being honest with yourself and identifying why you do the things you do.

Really examine your motivations for working as a spray foam contractor.

You chose to become (or are considering being) a business owner for a reason – probably many reasons, actually.

What are they? Do you consider them “good” reasons?

Spraying foam insulation is not for everyone. Owning a business comes with a lot of responsibilities.  

But there are many “pros” to entering the spray foam business, too.

(Like being your own boss or making your own schedule.)

Whatever they are, you’d better know your reasons for becoming a spray foam contractor inside and out – and they’d better be dang motivating for you.

Because you will need them to fall back on when things get tough.

You will also need to know how to listen to yourself and respond constructively and compassionately.

It may sound hokey – but think about it.

People fail all the time.

Why is that?

Every business failure is unique – but the bottom line is this: whatever those business owners have tried to do is somehow unsustainable for them.

Maybe the money ran out…

Or maybe they didn’t know how to find the right clients…

Or maybe they weren’t well-organized and didn’t know how to ask for help when things started to fall apart…

Or maybe life circumstances caused them to lose hope in their dream…

Or maybe their reasons for starting their business weren’t sufficiently motivating to them.

Whatever the case may be – if you want to succeed, you have to be able to face your fears and know when to ask for help.

You’ll work hard as a spray foam contractor, and you won’t have the luxury of going home and forgetting about work every night.

But you’ll be out there…

Forging your own path and building a life that makes sense for you and your family.

What could be more motivating than that!?


Life is a process.

And pretending that our mental health isn’t important is a perfect recipe for failure.

So prioritize your reasons for living, man!

And then LIVE! 

Be who you are and do whatever you need to do to thrive.

That’s what freedom means to us at Freedom Foam & Equipment, LLC.

We believe that freedom comes in many forms and that every person must find their own way.

And grow into who they are.

Until we free ourselves from the idea that we have to live and breathe and work like everyone else…

And quit forcing ourselves into the uncomfortably snug, smelly boxes that have been “assigned” to us by others…

We can never really feel fulfilled.

Until we free our minds… 

And allow our glorious souls to color outside the proverbial lines when and where it is necessary… 

And work in a way that nourishes our souls…

We cannot “succeed.”

Only when we are honest with ourselves can we begin to break free of our self-imposed cages, spread our wings, and fly.

*Flap, flap*

*Eagle-soul SCREECH!*

*Flap, flap*

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